Sapling specimen of forest tree on grounds of Nairobi National Museum, Kenya,
Africa. April 2011.
TREE: Forest tree reaching large proportions with good growing
conditions. Sought for timber.
FLOWERS: The flowers are small with five lobes. Mostly white, but with
one lobe larger and lilac.
LEAVES: Palmately divided leaves with usually five segment. Long
petiole. Blister-like galls on the leaf surface (photo below right) are caused
by minute arthropods, possibly gall mites in this case.
RANGE: According to Trees of Kenya, this tree is naturally restricted to
1500 to 1850 m elevation along eastern slopes. No doubt the range has been
extended by planting. The species is threatened due to habitat loss and over
FRUIT: Small blue-black berries in loose, rather flat-topped panicles.
UNARMED. Without spines.
Verbenaceae -- Vervain Family
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