
Persicaria lapathifolia ?

Pale Smartweed, Knotweed, Persicaria lapathifolia, photo © by Michael Plagens

Observed in marshy area near Eldoret, Kenya, Africa. January 2014.

close up of stem, Persicaria from Eldoret, Kenya, East Africa

HERBACEOUS PLANT: Herbaceous plant sometimes weak-stemmed and supported by neighboring plants. Mostly less than 2 m.

FLOWERS: The flowers are pink to mostly white and arrayed on long, drooping spikes at the apex of the stems.

LEAVES: Leaves are lance-shaped to linear - almost willow-like and thus another commonly applied name, Willow Weed.

RANGE: This plant is found any many areas and habitats around the world, but generally in wet, disturbed soils.

FRUIT: Seeds solitary in each flower ovary and enclosed in the hardened ovary. This species has round, flattened and shiny.


Associated Biota:

Cotton Stainer

Cotton Stainer    -    Smut Fungus in Buds

Polygonaceae -- Buckwheat Family

More Information:

Kenya Natural History

Copyright Michael J. Plagens, Created on 14 May 2014,
updated 03 Oct. 2014.