Swamp Hibiscus

Swamp Hibiscus a malvaceous plant, Kenya, photo © Michael Plagens

Prickly stems on shrubby plant of wet places. Flowers pale yellow with maroon center. Leaves variously lobed.

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Savanna Hibiscus

Hibiscus flavifolius from Kenya, photo © Michael Plagens

Leafy, singular stem sometimes reaching 1½ meters. Bright orange stamens against white petals.

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Toothbrush Bush

Sida cuneifolia from Kenya, photo © Michael Plagens

Mallow with yellow flowers and tough, trample-tolerant branches. Leaves with notched tip.

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Toothbrush Bush #2

Glabrous leaved Sida cuneifolia from Kiserian, Kenya, photo © Michael Plagens

Sida cuneifolia is either a highly variable species or a group of sibling species.

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Abutilon Mallow

Abutilon sp. photo © Michael Plagens

Five yellow-orange petals and a stamen tube. Fruit appears like a toothed gear on top. Heart-shaped leaves.

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Tomentose Mallow

possible Abutilon from Kenya, photo © Michael Plagens

Tomentose refers to the dense coating of soft pubescence covering the leaves and flower buds.

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Three-lobe False-Mallow

Malvastrum coromandelianum, a malvaceous plant from Nairobi, Kenya, photo © Michael Plagens

Largely herbaceous plant with yellow or yellow-orange flowers. Five petals and numerous stamens with filaments fused into a column.

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Sleepy Morning

Waltheria indica from Kenya, photo © Michael Plagens

Small yellow flowers in a tightly packed, partly coiled inflorescence. Mostly herbaceous about 1 to 2 meters tall. Introduced.

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Rosy Hibiscus

red-pink flowered Hibiscus from Kenya, photo © Michael Plagens

Slender, largely herbaceous form of highland grassland and open savanna.

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Turk's Cap Mallow

Malvaviscus sp. photo © Michael Plagens

A profusion of large red flowers on a dark green shrub has made this neotropical native popular in gardens everywhere. (Cultivated)

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Ceasarweed, Urena lobata, Kenya, photo © Michael Plagens

Weakly shrubby plant of disturbed soils. Large broad leaves with several triangular lobes. Mauve colored flowers.

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an escaped garden hollyhock, alcea, photo © Michael Plagens

Many cultivated plants have escaped and are becoming naturalized. Large pink flowers and palmate leaves. (Cultivated)

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Pavonia (?)

a Malvaceae, possibly Pavonia, Mt Kenya Forest, Kenya, photo © Michael Plagens

This shrubby plant was abundant on sunny trails in Mt. Kenya Forest reserve. No flowerss or fruit present.

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a weedy mallow, Malva parviflora, photo © Michael Plagens

The plicate (folded like a fan), palmately lobed leaves make this weed easy to recognize. Very small pale pink or white blooms.

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Dombeya burgessiae from Kenya, photo © Michael Plagens

Large, heart-shaped leaves help id this shrub or small tree. White or pink tinged five-petaled flowers in groups with numerous fused stamens. (Tiliaceae)

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Grewia sp. photo © Michael Plagens

Five pink petals above five sepals of another shade. Four lobed fruit is unique. Small tree/shrub. One of several Grewia species in Kenya. (Tiliaceae)

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Triumfetta from Kenya, photo © Michael Plagens

Small tree with leaves thicker and tougher than the previous species. (Tiliaceae)

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Yellow Grewia

Grewia  from Kenya, photo © Michael Plagens

Small tree with leaf margins serrated. Flowers yellow. (Tiliaceae)

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Triumfetta from Kenya, photo © Michael Plagens

Mostly herbaceous plant with small, 5-petalled, yellow flowers and fruit a small sphere with hooked projections. (Tiliaceae)

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Burweed #3

Triumfetta from Taita Hills, Kenya, photo © Michael Plagens

Although small, the bright yellow flowers on this weedy plant are showy. (Tiliaceae)

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Burweed #2

Triumfetta from South Nandi Forest, Kenya, photo © Michael Plagens

Weakly shrubby plant with quite small, 5-petalled, Burgundy-colored flowers and fruit a small sphere with hooked projections. (Tiliaceae)

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Kenya Natural History

Copyright Michael J. Plagens, page created 13 Oct. 2012,
updated 31 May 2018.

By no means am I an expert By no means am I an expert on the Natural History of Kenya. I am a novice exploring this part of the World. By creating a page for the species as I encounter them I am teaching myself. If the reader finds an error, please let me know so that I can make corrections (use copyright link).