Kenya Natural History Guide >>> Plants >>> Asclepiadaceae >>> Asclepiadaceae

Sarcostemma ?

G? sp?

Unknown species of Asclepiadaceae from Rift Valley, Kenya, photo © by Michael Plagens

Observed blooming and with mature fruit/seed on the margin of a wooded area at Iten, Kenya, Africa. January 2012.

Woody vine growing up into trees at the edge of a secondary wood. The flowers have conspicuously fringed petals and are mostly white and green. Flowers in groups one to several in an umbel. Paired folicles are disposed at 180°, terate and 10 to 15 cm long. Long cotton-like fibers on the seeds aid wind dispersal. The twining stems reached several meters up trees along an exposed clearing. The lanceolate leaves are opposite on the stems.

flower of unknown milkweed vine, Asclepiadaceae, photo © Michael Plagens opposite leaves of unknown milkweed vine, Asclepiadaceae, photo © Michael Plagens milky latex sap flows copiously from a broken stem of unknown milkweed vine, Asclepiadaceae, photo © Michael Plagens

Apocynaceae -- Asclepiadaceae Milkweed and Dogbane Family

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Kenya Natural History

Copyright Michael J. Plagens, Created on 20 July 2012.