African Rail

Rallus caerulescens

African Water Rail, Rallus caerulescens, photo © by Evan Torotich

Nairobi National Park, Kenya. 14 Oct. 2016.

From Wikipedia: A small wetland bird of the rail family. Its breeding habitat is marshes and reedbeds across eastern and southern Africa. Many birds are permanent residents, but some undertake seasonal movements in response to the availability of wetland.

Adults are 28–30 cm long, and have mainly brown upperparts and blue-grey underparts, with black-and-white barring on the flanks and undertail. This is the only Rallus species with a plain back. The body is flattened laterally to allow easier passage through the reeds. They have long toes, a short tail and a long slim dull red bill. The legs are red.

Rallidae -- Rail Family


  • Birds of Kenya and Northern Tanzania by Zimmerman et al.
  • Birds of East Africa by Stevenson and Fanshawe

More Information:

Kenya Natural History

Copyright Michael J. Plagens, created 11 Nov. 2016.