Bronze Mannikin |
Lonchura cucullata |
![]() Observed at the Giraffe Center, Nairobi, Kenya. November 2012. |
From Wikipedia: The Bronze Mannikin is a tiny gregarious bird which feeds mainly on seeds. It frequents open country and cultivation, especially near water. The nest is a large domed grass structure in a tree, into which 4 to 8 white eggs are laid. This species also builds communal roosting nests, used overnight and dismantled and rebuilt daily. The Bronze Mannikin is 9 to 10 cm in length with a long black tail. The adult has a stubby grey bill, brown upperparts, a dark purple head and white underparts with dark flank markings. There is an iridescent green shoulder patch. The sexes are similar, but immatures are plain brown above with buff head and underparts. This species has a number of calls including a rreep-rreeep in flight and a twittering when perched. ![]() This active nest was observed in a garden area near Kapenguria, Kenya. July 2014. Estrildidae -- Estrild Finch FamilyBooks:
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Michael J. Plagens, page created 22 January 2013
updated 25 March 2015.