Cape Teal

Anas capensis

Cape Teal, Anas capensis by Michael Plagens

In a fresh-water area of Lake Bogoria, Kenya on 28 Feb. 2019. July 2014.

Dabbling Duck that tips head down and tail up in shallow water to reach aquatic plants and other food. Normally Lake Bogoria is too alkaline to support the kind of plant food these ducks would eat. But lately a lot of fresh water has been flowing in and pooling near the margins. This allows the plants to flourish and so too the ducks and related wildlife.

Anatidae -- Duck Family


  • Birds of Kenya and Northern Tanzania by Zimmerman et al.
  • Birds of East Africa by Stevenson and Fanshawe

More Information:

Kenya Natural History

Copyright Michael J. Plagens, created 15 September 2019.